Thursday 11 November 2010

The C Word

This is a strange time of year for a lot of people. Autumn has most definitely arrived, the nights are drawing in, the bulk of the year is behind us and then the big C is looming...yes, I mean Christmas. For many, the mere mention of this C word sends them into a state of complete panic/denial but for people like me, it plays on your mind right up until the last minute. I mean this in a good way. I LOVE preparing for Christmas and now that I have my own home (this is our 3rd Christmas as Mr and Mrs) it is a serious Event requiring long term planning.

For me, the thinking about Christmas officially starts after my birthday (27th October) and it snowballs from there - pardon the pun. For me, half the excitement is in the planning and organising of presents, menus, new decorations and The Tree. The other half is seeing it all come together  - The Tree being exactly how I want it, the presents looking too good to unwrap, the fridge bursting with goodies (everyone comes to us for Christmas Eve dinner - an new tradition now that I'm a married lady), the making and eating of mince pies, ah the list is endless...

I'll get to the point now, owing to financial constraints,  I have decided that this year is going to be a Homemade Christmas, more so than in previous years. This year I shall be making probably about 90% of the gifts I shall be giving and I can't wait to get started. I have so many great ideas for (nearly) everyone that I am worried I won't get them all done in time! My hubby is even getting in on the act and will be producing some great pressies with his homegrown delights from the garden, so looking forward to seeing the results!

As well as all the regular things, each year I like to find new decorations to add to the collection - something that me and Hubby don't agree on. I am regularly accused of getting carried away and I regularly reply with something along the lines of 'I don't care, I'm doing it anyway'. However this year is a bit different and I shall be making the new additions instead of buying them. More about this in future posts.

Here are a few pics of my recent projects:

Stocking shaped bunting 

 Frosty the Snowman bunting
This bunting will be in my shop soon so keep an eye out!

This all leads me to the question: What is best a Shop Bought Christmas or a Homemade Christmas? I'd love to hear what you are all planning for The Big C, please leave a comment or two!

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