Thursday 13 October 2011

A new obession

I am slowly but surely becoming obsessed with Pinterest. I find I log on 'for a quick look' and then an hour later I'm still trawling the amazing collection of stuff on there!

For anyone who doesn't know, Pinterest is an online collection of memo boards, or mood boards full or inspiration. You create your own board and then you 'pin' things you like to it which you can then go back to. For example, you can have a board dedicated to recipes you want to try, a board all about ideas for decorating your house, a board all about your favourite films, books, fashions, colours, crafts... the possibilities are endless!

If you are always pulling things out of magazines and filing them away for a rainy day, or always bookmarking things you see on website and then have trouble remembering which link is the one you want, then Pinterest will become your new best friend!! You can sit in the comfort of your favourite chair and be so inspired by what you can find on this website that you might lose yourself for a good few hours. You can look at other people's boards and then re-pin things you like, or you  can pin something you find on a website/blog/YouTube for you to remember at a later date. It's very visual and I've discovered some great blogs via Pinterest which I might not have found otherwise.

Imagine a collection of all your favourite things, all in one place...!

Here's a few links to some of my boards I use the most:

Bake, bake, bake!
I like this
Crafty goodness

If  you sign up to Pinterest not only will you find loads of fantastic new ideas and things you want to try, I guarantee you will become obsessed with it!! And it you download the app for your phone, say goodbye to boredom!

You can follow me on Pinterest by clicking here.


  1. Oh my!! You have some lovely inspiration for me to drool at over on Pinterest. I have to say although I am over there too, ( somewhere ) always forget I have it there, but know how addictive it can be also. I shall pop by and follow you :) Thank you so much for your feedback on my crying post, really enjoyed reading your thoughts, and think is lovely that so many people would hold out a hand :) Hugs xxxx

  2. Thank you! Pinterest is a dangerous addiction sometimes, but a great way to collect ideas.


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