Tuesday 20 March 2012

Show and Tell (part 2)

Yesterday I blogged about the wool I got at the Stitch and Craft Show, well today I'm doing a show and tell about the amazing feats of crafting expertise that we saw.

Best in Show
The ladies behind the two Best in Show books had a stand exhibiting their knitted cats and dogs. These were incredible likenesses for each of the breeds and the amazing-ness of the work put into them is quite impressive. 


Schnauzer (?)



Cute cat, no idea of the breed!

The Knitted Village
I'm not sure of the story behind this exhibition, but the work was amazing. A miniature knitted village, complete with play park and recycling bins!!

A Gift of Quilts
This was an interesting exhibition of over 400 quilts which have been sewn to present to each country which will participate in this year's Olympic Games. The standard of these quilts was mind boggling, particularly to me who has never quilted anything. Here's a few pics of my fave quilts (pics taken on my iPhone so they're not great quality):

The panels in this quilt are all cross stitched.


  1. The knitted village was part of a competition the organisers had been running leading up to the show. Anyone could enter! You just had to send in something from a village scene :)

    Sam x

    1. That's cool, it was really interesting seeing all the entries!


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