Wednesday 21 December 2011

Christmas Prep: Christmas Cake in Progress

Christmas is not Christmas without a decent Christmas cake. All the better if it is home baked, but I have had some nice shop bought ones too. The other night I covered the cakes in marzipan ready for the fondant icing. And, as there were trimmings, we ate them whilst watching the telly! I was going to use the spare marzipan to make something but...

Over the next day or two I'll be decorating these lovelies and then they will be ready for the Christmas festivities!


  1. You put me to shame! I cheat and get my mother in law to make ours. (Well she is so good at it! Well thats my excuse!)

    Can't wait to see the finished cakes.

    X x

    PS Don't forget to enter my blog birthday give away.

    X x

  2. Haha, I'm making my mother-in-law's this year! She usually buys hers.


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